25 August 2009

PlS PrAy!!!

pLs pRaY FoR miSS HuEy
WhAtEvER U LiKE Her o not


  1. long story to tell
    according to Kylie:
    8/27/2009 11:52:45 PM CrazyK Micho Teh she has thyroid for some time now
    8/27/2009 11:53:26 PM CrazyK Micho Teh then with having irregular meals, she kena gastric pain
    8/27/2009 11:54:40 PM CrazyK Micho Teh then she says she suspects that the dr gave her a stronger dose or medication but her body couldn't take it cos it's weak so her 'wei' eh xue guan burst
    8/27/2009 11:54:53 PM CrazyK Micho Teh and one lead to another
    8/27/2009 11:55:00 PM Micho Teh CrazyK oh...
    8/27/2009 11:55:05 PM CrazyK Micho Teh like side effects

    Now she's in stable condition d
