25 November 2009

Halloween '09

Well, since not really dat much ppl posting in here so i decided to post some of my old but yet interesting stuffs to show U guys~ENJOY~~~


23 October 2009, Friday.

Actually I didn't even plan to join the Halloween party dat held by my school...
But I just can't turn down on Ms Pinky's invitation...Haha...
Therefore I went to the party without any makeup or dress up and I just try my best to dress and look more gothic... *sigh*

After I arrived da scene, I must say I was really amazed by everyone --- the dress up and make up were all so stunning! *o* (and I was so shocked by some of my classmates too)

Me and Ms Pinky. :D

Da gals in white costume and black dress are my classmates --- Li Wei and Siaw Pei~ (I dunno who's da gal in red :P)

My dear chinese opera ghost a.k.a. Foo Bi is scaring ppl non stop~ XD

Actually when I arrived there it's already too late and I had missed out most of the shows but luckily I still manage to witness who's the champion of the BEST HALLOWEEN COSTUME~ Man dis guy sure is TALL!

Me and Sanzose <-- he's the first male friend I made when I enter TOA~

Me and my senior~(dunno her name haiz)
<3 her costume~ XD

Imcomplete class photo~

Dis guy (shown in pic below) is my junior~ Forget his name but I LOVE HIS MAKE-UP! SO COOOOOOOL!!!

After the party... even ghosts and monsters also need a break~XD

Me and Ah Lai~ XD

Cool shot isn't it~ Hahaha~

A shot taken when we met wif other "ghosts" XD

Continue posing HAHAHA!
Me and my housemate aka Min Tien~

The End.
Well, TOA only held da halloween party every 2 years so I guess next time I would really enjoy da party wif full dress up and make up~ YAY~~~


  1. WOWOWOWOWOWOOWWOWWWWWW! I m envious! Shoo~ Glad that u enjoy urself really much~

  2. OMG! Everything looks so FUN!
    Sadly, both my Halloween and Christmas were pretty lame.. I just stayed at home and rot.
    Rot, rot, rot, rotting now. :)
    I would LOVE to go to a Halloween party like that!! Cant be any better!
