10 July 2009

Maths and Science to be taught in Bahasa Malaysia

As you guys may have heard of it from news and also Yee Ting's previous post, PLEASE go to this site


and vote whether you are for or against the government's decision
(Oh please be AGAINST) Look how happy we were learning it in English =)


  1. I have no words for our dear, dear government. NO WORDS.
    But thank god we had our Math and Science in English, and for that I have to thank our dear, dear government from the bottom of my heart. -thanks- However, I do pity the future, uh, generation of Malaysia, but I guess what they wouldn't care much.. Depends on, coughs, who we are saying la..
    THE MALAYSIAN LA~ It is highly honoured here. Lol. At least, I honour it.

    Obviously I am against it, so Kylie and I will be toasting each other bubbly champagne tonight. ^^

  2. Voted!! Ya.. I seriously don't agree Maths n Science 2 b taught in BM cz whn v go 2 coll/ uni it's all in English.^^
